Reigning with Christ

Your witness is more powerful than you think

Your witness is more powerful than you think

Jesus talked about sowing seed.  The seed fell all over the place and a lot of it was lost - at least three quarters of it if you take the parable literally.  He could have looked at the results and felt discouraged.  But instead he chose to look at the small portion of the seed that actually produced fruit, and that is what he focussed upon.

Living in the age of Instagram

Living in the age of Instagram

This week we toured Winchester College, the oldest private school in England, founded in 1394.  What stood out to us was the power of tradition.  In many ways, the school has changed beyond recognition, but some practices have remained virtually unchanged from what you would have seen five or six centuries ago had you been touring the college then.  Even the dining hall was original.

And that is the secret of the school’s success.  It is built on foundations that have stood the test of time.  Outward features have changed to suit the times but the things that matter have not.

Why is it that sometimes we can get things so backward in church?

Spiritual jet lag

Spiritual jet lag

Jet lag, from which we are both presently suffering, can be a pain.  You are awake when you want to be asleep and asleep when you want to be awake. 

It’s also unpredictable.  It may happen when you expect it, it may sneak up on you later or it may not happen at all.

I wonder if it’s possible for Christians to suffer from spiritual jet lag?

You are not alone

You are not alone

“I alone am left and they seek my life.”

The worst place to be in a time of crisis is alone.

By controlling the weather systems, Elijah had ruled the agricultural economy of Israel for three and a half years.  He had raised the dead and been fed by birds.  He had made fire come down from heaven.  He had defeated 850 false prophets on Mount Carmel, and then triumphantly brought the drought to an end by forcing the humiliated king to make breakneck speed back to the city in his chariot to avoid getting soaked.

We're talking but is anyone listening?

We're talking but is anyone listening?

The three minute video was very impressive.

It was my son-in-law Josh making a marketing pitch for his search engine optimization business.

The only problem was I didn’t understand a word of it.  Fortunately what really matters is that his prospective clients did.

I had a similar experience in Quebec this week when I had to return some merchandise I bought for a price correction.  I was able to explain in French that I was billed for two items instead of one, and the sales clerk launched into a lengthy apology and discussion which had something to do with the fact she had fallen into a daydream.  The rest of it was totally lost on me, so I just smiled and tried to look as if I got it all.  I did make sure I got the correct amount back though.