We're talking but is anyone listening?

The three minute video was very impressive.

It was my son-in-law Josh making a marketing pitch for his search engine optimization business.

The only problem was I didn’t understand a word of it.  Fortunately what really matters is that his prospective clients did.

I had a similar experience in Quebec this week when I had to return some merchandise I bought for a price correction.  I was able to explain in French that I was billed for two items instead of one, and the sales clerk launched into a lengthy apology and discussion which had something to do with the fact she had fallen into a daydream.  The rest of it was totally lost on me, so I just smiled and tried to look as if I got it all.  I did make sure I got the correct amount back though.

I am increasingly worried that, as Christians, we are in the same boat, smiling but not really understanding what the world around us is saying.  And that means they’re not understanding what we’re saying to them either. 

A lot of it has to do with the way the modes of communication are changing so quickly.  Human nature doesn’t change, but the way we express ourselves does.

Facebook is yesterday and the real action is on Instagram.  Or at least I think it is.  I am running hard to keep up.  I still remember the first time I heard the expression “email” and was too embarrassed to confess I had no clue what it meant.  That was only twenty years ago.

Why all this matters is that we have to find ways of speaking to younger people today through the media they understand.  We might have a great message but is anyone listening?

Besides the danger of not being able to get our message across properly, the other great problem is the way all communication is being shrunk into bite-sized amounts.  You can’t do that with the Bible.

Somehow we have to find creative ways of opening doors of communication into today’s culture.  We have to find wedges that get peoples’ attention, but then we need to move them beyond those wedges into the deep waters of Biblical truth.

It may be hard, and we may lose people who won’t move beyond the latest sound bite, but the alternative is a generation of people who understand about as much of the Bible as I understood of my son-in-law’s video.  And soon there will be no church left.

Daniel prophesied that in the last days knowledge would increase.  Not wisdom, but knowledge.  That day is surely upon us. 

How we respond to it may determine what kind of church Jesus finds on his return.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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