You are not alone

“I alone am left and they seek my life.”

The worst place to be in a time of crisis is alone.

By controlling the weather systems, Elijah had ruled the agricultural economy of Israel for three and a half years.  He had raised the dead and been fed by birds.  He had made fire come down from heaven.  He had defeated 850 false prophets on Mount Carmel, and then triumphantly brought the drought to an end by forcing the humiliated king to make breakneck speed back to the city in his chariot to avoid getting soaked.

But when all he had done had no effect on Jezebel other than to send her into a rage, he panicked and ran for his life.

Elijah had believed several lies, but maybe the greatest lie was his belief that he was alone.

We have weathered several pretty severe crises in our lives, including times where we wondered if a large part of our life’s work would come to nothing, wondered where income would come from to feed eight kids, wondered where God was at in it all.  We may have felt attacked, let down and even betrayed, but in spite of everything we never felt alone.

We always had friends to turn to, people who believed in us and who would stand with us.

I don’t know what we would have done otherwise.

The time to build those kind of friendships is way before you need them.  It’s like an investment.  You pay in when times are good and you receive back when times are tough.  The body of Christ is the most relational place on earth, and no one should find themselves isolated in it.

In the end, God reminded Elijah that he had a lot of friends - seven thousand in fact, and one particular friend who would carry on his ministry and expand it into a mighty army.

You are not alone.  But if you believe you are, you will make wrong decisions, just like even Elijah did.

Friends will comfort you, challenge you and give you perspective when you have lost it.  There is a friend, Solomon said, who sticks closer than a brother.  That’s the kind of friend you want.

Treat your friendships as priceless assets.  One day you may need them.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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For those in the UK,  you may also support us through Emmanuel Church Durham, which receives and passes on any financial gifts designated to us.  You are welcome to contact Jenny, the church treasurer, at, and she will be glad to let you know how you can support us on a once-off basis or by standing order.