
Where to Find the Glory Cloud

Where to Find the Glory Cloud

The word “glory” refers to the majesty and splendour of God. The Hebrew word literally means “weight.” In the Old Testament, God’s glory appeared in a visible form manifested as a cloud or pillar of fire. The cloud came down on Mt. Sinai and filled both Moses’ tabernacle and Solomon’s temple. After the destruction of the ark and the temple, the glory disappeared.

Driving On The Pandemic Highway

Driving On The Pandemic Highway

A young man in the Plymouth Brethren assembly in which my dad was converted had purchased an automobile. That was a rarity in Glasgow, one of the poorest cities in the western world, mired in the depths of the great depression. So he was pretty proud of himself.

His fatal mistake occurred when he decided to impress one of the elders by taking him out for a drive. Naturally, he drove the car as fast as he could. When the drive was over, he turned eagerly to the elder and asked what he thought. The older man fixed a steely gaze upon him, and spoke these words: “Young man, I think you’re tempting the Lord.”

Welcoming The Holy Spirit

Welcoming The Holy Spirit

The beginning of Luke’s Gospel is taken up with the announcement of two significant births, John the Baptist and Jesus. These births are first proclaimed by the angel Gabriel. Such supernatural signs had not been seen since the days of the prophets. And so with this angelic pronouncement, Luke lays in place the foundations of the new Messianic age about to dawn.

Hope - (Duane T. Harder)

Hope - (Duane T. Harder)

Guest blog — Duane T. Harder

“And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you” (Ps 39:7).

Our hope might be fixed on the gift of our dreams. That hope is called wishful thinking. But hope in Christ is not one of wishful thinking. We might also have hope that is rooted in the expectation of our investment. The farmer prepares the soil, plants the seed, natures the land and lives in hope of a good crop. We invest time and resource and live in expectation of a return. Any number of unexpected intrusions can shatter that hope.



International travel is never without stress, but our experience this week took discomfort to a new level.

We were sitting in an airport hotel in London trying vainly to sleep, as the overnight hours ticked by for our early morning check-in. There was only one problem. The Canadian government requires travelers to produce results of a COVID test taken within 72 hours of arrival in Canada. But labs are not necessarily equipped to come up with the results that quickly. In the end, I spent half the night sending emails and making desperate calls, and a very kind supervisor expedited the results.