Welcoming The Holy Spirit

The beginning of Luke’s Gospel is taken up with the announcement of two significant births, John the Baptist and Jesus.  These births are first proclaimed by the angel Gabriel.  Such supernatural signs had not been seen since the days of the prophets.  And so with this angelic pronouncement, Luke lays in place the foundations of the new Messianic age about to dawn.

But as the account continues, with the exception of the angelic host appearing to the shepherds, those who proclaim the coming of Christ are human, not divine.   They are Elizabeth, Zechariah, Mary, and Simeon.  As we read the story, something very striking comes to light.  Revelation had ceased with the death of the last Old Testament prophets.  The Jewish people believed they had been forsaken by the Holy Spirit for four hundred years on account of their sin. No one in that period of time was described in Jewish writings as being full of the Spirit, possessing the Spirit or speaking by the Spirit.  But in these first two chapters of Luke’s Gospel, all that changes.  What is so significant is that there are at least eight, and possibly nine, references to the Holy Spirit coming on people scattered strategically throughout the passage.  They pertain to no fewer than five different people, John the Baptist, Elizabeth, Zechariah, Jesus and Simeon, and possibly a sixth, Mary.  These verses mark the return of the Holy Spirit to Israel in an extraordinary manner.  For four hundred years, it was unheard of for a person to have a revelation from the Holy Spirit.  At most there were four people in four centuries, and even those were disputed.  Now in one brief account we have this!  The Holy Spirit has come to hover once again, as he did at the beginning.  A new act of creation is about to take place.

One of the greatest mistakes the church in our culture has made is to diminish the role of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit has been at work since creation, preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah.  The Son is now ascended to the right hand of the Father, but the Spirit is still here.  If we forget we are a people of the Spirit, if we reduce or marginalize the Holy Spirit, we have lost the presence of God on earth.  He prepared the way for Jesus to come, and now that Jesus has ascended, he is preparing us for that great day when we see Jesus again face to face. 

Let’s welcome the Holy Spirit this Christmas, as we celebrate the events in which he played such an important role.



Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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