Hope - (Duane T. Harder)

Guest blog — Duane T. Harder

“And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you” (Ps 39:7).

Our hope might be fixed on the gift of our dreams. That hope is called wishful thinking.  But hope in Christ is not one of wishful thinking. We might also have hope that is rooted in the expectation of our investment. The farmer prepares the soil, plants the seed, natures the land and lives in hope of a good crop. We invest time and resource and live in expectation of a return. Any number of unexpected intrusions can shatter that hope. 

The disciples had hope that the one for whom they had abandoned all would deliver them from the iron grip of Rome and give them places of honor in his kingdom. That hope was buried in a borrowed tomb. Each of us needs to wrap our dreams and expectations in the burial cloth of Christ and place them in the tomb. 

In their place we light the candle of hope that is the anchor of our soul. This hope is not wishful thinking or worried expectation. This hope is sure and steadfast because it is rooted in the truthfulness of God himself. This hope is an anchor that keeps us from drifting under the influence of every wind of doctrine. This hope holds us secure when the storm of adversity, persecution, tribulation, and temptation batters our life. 

Our hope is anchored to a person — to the one who has entered within the veil and at this moment is making intercession for us. His blood gives us a full pardon for all our sins, transgressions, and iniquities. Furthermore, he has released his Spirit to empower us so that every purpose for which we have been created will be fulfilled. In his inextinguishable light we have life and the full confident assurance that his glory and knowledge will cover the earth, and that we shall see him as he is. In that moment we shall be fully transformed into his image and share in the unimaginable wonder of his eternal purposes. 

Our faith is the substance of things hoped for. When our hope is aligned to any one of the 7000 promises of God, we will have the substance of faith. God’s word defines our hope and delivers our faith. As you think of our hope in Christ at this Christmas season, may faith be birthed in your heart to lay hold of the purposes of God for your life. 



Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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