Spiritual jet lag

Jet lag, from which we are both presently suffering, can be a pain.  You are awake when you want to be asleep and asleep when you want to be awake. 

It’s also unpredictable.  It may happen when you expect it, it may sneak up on you later or it may not happen at all.

I wonder if it’s possible for Christians to suffer from spiritual jet lag?

Jet lag occurs when your body clock is thrown out of whack from a sudden change in time zones.  Your body is stuck several time zones away from the reality you are now living in.

Our world is undergoing massive change, and nowhere more so than in the realm of communication.  When we returned to Canada in the 1980s, we had to save in order to make transatlantic phone calls via underground cable laid underneath the Atlantic.  Now, with the help of satellites, you can speak as long as you want for free.  When I first went to India in 1996, it was virtually impossible to communicate with my wife and family in Canada during the time I was there.  When I visit India next year, I will find a nation of mobile phone users, and electronic communications just as fast and no doubt considerably cheaper than in the west. 

We need to relearn how we communicate with the world around us.  That includes finding ways of explaining Biblical truth in very concise ways.   It also means learning what and how the world around us is thinking. 

One gifted young man I spoke with recently has almost finished a project aimed at teens consisting of 15 minute videos, each of which summarizes the message of a book of the Bible.  Two other millennial friends have started what could be called an electronic Bible College where you pay a small monthly subscription and gain access to short teaching videos on a wide range of subjects.  The church we are based in has asked me to start doing 30 minute Zoom chats which I can do from anywhere in the world.  Fifteen minutes of Biblical truth and fifteen minutes of    questions.

The truth does not change, and neither do the lies of the enemy.  But how we speak that truth into a darkened world must change if we are to communicate the message of Jesus effectively.

Many Christians are still stuck a few time zones behind the reality we are all now living in.  Fortunately, the Holy Spirit is still the greatest creative power in the universe, and we have access to all the wisdom he can give us.

Let’s ask him for help to take the treasury of timeless truth we possess and communicate it effectively to the lost world we live in.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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