
Deliver us from evil

Deliver us from evil

It happened right in the middle of an online presentation on eschatology. A young man in the military stationed in Europe asked a question about deliverance ministry. I’m still not sure where in the context of the conversation it came from. I answered as best I could, and contacted him later to set up a time to talk.

The God of the black swan

The God of the black swan

Today our daughter and two grandsons were sitting on the deck looking out over the small lake they live on. It was a calm and sunny day. Out of nowhere a waterspout appeared, gathered strength and ripped the roof from their neighbour’s gazebo. They hardly had time to rush into the house when it had gone.

A black swan is a term for an event which comes out of nowhere and upsets everyone’s applecart. The last black swan was probably the day two planes flew into the World Trade Center. That changed our world. Now we’re living in another one.

On the edge

On the edge

We are surely living in unusual days.

As we negotiate our way through week after week of isolation, it compels us to ask the question “Why?”

Eastern religions are based largely on fate. Fate does not allow us to ask “Why?” There is simply no answer. It just is, and we have to put up with it. There is no significance and no meaning to life or to what happens to us.

The unseen Battle

The unseen Battle

Our present crisis has exposed a fatal weakness in our secular society. We have become utterly dependent on solutions that come from the material world around us. The demise of devastating diseases like polio, measles, diphtheria and many others has left us with a false confidence that medicine is the answer to everything. And then to our shock, we find out it isn’t.

The place of victory

The place of victory

Ten times in the book of Revelation believers are described as those who conquer. We are victors, never victims. Even if we die for our faith, we die in victory.

It is impossible for a Christian living in obedience to God to be defeated. To live in victory is our inheritance.