The unseen Battle

Our present crisis has exposed a fatal weakness in our secular society.  We have become utterly dependent on solutions that come from the material world around us.  The demise of devastating diseases like polio, measles, diphtheria and many others has left us with a false confidence that medicine is the answer to everything.  And then to our shock, we find out it isn’t.

Leaving behind our Biblical foundations has left western culture in a very dangerous position.  It is functionally blind and deaf.

The reason I say that is because true reality lies in a realm invisible to us.  The world around us is real, of course, contrary to the teaching of eastern religions.  It’s just that the eternal, invisible realm is more real.

But if all you believe in is what your five senses can access, you have no way of understanding how the universe really operates.

The truth is there is a whole world in operation that we cannot see.  It is ruled by God, who is assisted by a heavenly council of spiritual beings the Bible gives us occasional glimpses of, as well as a multitude of angels who function as divine messengers and agents of personal and corporate protection.  But there’s more.  Part of this unseen world is a very dark place.  It is ruled over by a fallen being who is pictorially presented in Genesis as a snake.  He also has an army of likewise fallen entities of various ranks supporting him in his rebellion against God.  Paul calls them principalities, powers and rulers of the dark places. 

This is real reality.  It existed long before this world was created, and it will exist long after this world has ceased. 

Even Christians in our culture have become desensitized to these realities.  We get so used to the message that material reality is the only true reality that it undermines our ability to assimilate this basic Biblical worldview.

We of all people should have a roadmap to help our fellow citizens who are unbelievers in a time of crisis.  But that roadmap operates in the supernatural. And that’s where you have to go to get it.

What if God is in the business of removing the false supports our secular society has relied on?  Will that be painful?  Yes for sure.  And it will affect all of us, just and unjust alike.

But if it is the price we have to pay for a great awakening, then it will be worth it.

We alone have true confidence that, no matter what is going on in the material world around us, it is working toward a glorious end.  The Bible says Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega.  He is Lord of the beginning, Lord of the end and Lord of everything in between.

I don’t know all God is doing, but I know that he is drawing all things, the good, the bad and the ugly, together in preparation for a glorious consummation.

That is our hope.  You can’t see it, but it’s real.  More real than what you see.

But I have a hunch that soon it will invade this world with news a lot better than what we have been seeing.

And that is what the church needs to be ready for.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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