Deliver us from evil

It happened right in the middle of an online presentation on eschatology.  A young man in the military stationed in Europe asked a question about deliverance ministry.  I’m still not sure where in the context of the conversation it came from.  I answered as best I could, and contacted him later to set up a time to talk. 

The other night my wife had to do something she is used to doing.  She woke me up in the middle of a dream in which I was fighting evil spirits. 

Part of my answer to the young man was that we live in a rationalistic society which has completely discounted the existence of the supernatural, while at the same time living blissfully unaware of its powerful influence on our thinking and conduct.

Many years ago C.S. Lewis pointed out this was a classic trap of the enemy.  He occupies our thinking and our conduct while convincing us he doesn’t even exist.

Crises, such as one we are living in at the present, are a wake-up call from God.  The church is called back to its first love, and the world is reminded it is faced with a judgment that can only be averted by casting itself into the merciful arms of its Creator.

The great blessing of this crisis is that it reminds us the false gods of science, technology and medicine we have been worshipping have the power only to delay the moment of death, not to avert it.  And after that comes what? 

The Bible is clear: after that comes judgment.

Moments of crisis have the potential to precipitate awareness of the supernatural.  For the unbeliever, that may lead to salvation.  And I believe it is possible these dark days may yet lead on to a time of incredible and unanticipated harvest.

But there is a message for the believer also.  When we see the world around us paralyzed in fear and society closed down on a global scale for the first time in recorded history, something far beyond the natural is happening. 

Last year, we installed blackout curtains in our bedroom, as my wife gets woken up easily when the sun rises.  When you draw the curtains back on a sunny morning, it can be temporarily blinding.

For far too long as Christians we have had blackout curtains blotting out our view of the supernatural world around us.

It’s time to draw the curtains back.

When I became a Christian, my pastor had a very powerful ministry to those who had been demonically oppressed.  Entire covens of witches had been converted.  The first time I ever preached was in an open air service.  I was barely twenty years old and shaking with fear to begin with.  And then one of the converted witches informed me with an ashen look on her face that a warlock was coming to place a curse on my life. 

Thankfully, he never arrived.  The warlocks didn’t turn up until many years later when I was better equipped to handle them.

When the work of the enemy is uncovered, he becomes angry, and is forced into the open to defend his territory.  That is a good sign.

I have a feeling that part of what we need to prepare ourselves for is an increase in the overt presence of evil.

When that happens, don’t lose heart.  It’s actually a great sign.

The kingdom of God is on the move.

Get ready.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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