
Get ready for what's coming

Get ready for what's coming

At the end of Daniel’s life, he received a mysterious message from God: “Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

But in that same moment, Daniel was told to seal up his mysterious vision and leave it until the time of the end.

That vision, Revelation shows us, was unsealed by Christ when he ascended to the right hand of the Father, and as a result a series of cascading events is unleashed on the earth, events which run throughout the church age and climax in the Lord’s return.

Redeem the time

Redeem the time

If ever we had an opportunity to redeem the time, it’s now.

So much of our time slips away in the busyness of daily life, a life that has temporarily gone into very slow motion.

If you have kids at home from school, you may be busier than ever, but if not, you likely have more time on your hands than you know what to do with.

A frightened world needs a fearless church

A frightened world needs a fearless church

As a student, from time to time I attended the Avenue Road Church in Toronto, where A.W. Tozer had been pastor until he died.

I knew there was a special presence of God in those services long before I knew anything about Tozer.

The last few days one of his incomparable quotations has resurfaced: A frightened world needs a fearless church. I wonder whether he wrote those words during the Cuban missile crisis, which was the last time the world experienced the kind of mass fear gripping it today.

The power of listening

The power of listening

We were in Chicago for a couple of days and I bought a copy of the New York Times to read on the train on the way back to South Bend. There’s a lot in there that I probably wouldn’t agree with, but on the other hand, if I refuse to listen, what does that say about me? In the end, it was three dollars well spent.

How often do we really stop talking long enough to listen to what others are saying?

Pandemics and the book of Revelation

Pandemics and the book of Revelation

The message of the book of Revelation has proven itself to be relevant once again as the world faces its current apparent pandemic crisis.

But the message is not what you might think. Years of enduring the fearful forecasts of the end of the world by end-times misinterpreters of the last book of the Bible have caused us to overlook its real message.