The power of listening

We were in Chicago for a couple of days and I bought a copy of the New York Times to read on the train on the way back to South Bend.  There’s a lot in there that I probably wouldn’t agree with, but on the other hand, if I refuse to listen, what does that say about me?  In the end, it was three dollars well spent.

How often do we really stop talking long enough to listen to what others are saying?

Most of us do too much talking and too little listening.  Sometimes I have to discipline myself to keep my mouth shut and just listen.  A man at the gym today asked me what I did for a living.  I told him and gave a little bit of detail.  He just listened and didn’t respond.  So I asked him about his own life and we talked for a longer while, mostly with me just listening.  It made me a little late, but it was worth it.

I sowed some seed, and who knows what effect it had?  But what I do know is that my taking time to listen greatly increased the chances of him thinking about what I said. 

One of the greatest ways we can show care to people is simply by taking time to listen.  Just because their story is of little  interest to us does not mean we should not listen to it.  It may be the only way we have into their lives.

Preachers like me can fall prey to a fatal deception.  We get so used to preaching at people we stop listening to them.  And then we wonder why we start to lose connection with them.  Hopefully anyone reading this who knows me will remember me as much for listening as for talking.

We’ve all known people who in conversation stop to take a breath, allowing you to get in a few brief words to which they are not really paying attention anyway, because they’re just gathering strength for their next series of pronouncements. 

Don’t be that person.

Is it possible some people get turned off church because they have hurts and they feel we aren’t listening?  Listening shows care, respect and humility.  Listening doesn’t mean you’re agreeing, but it may open the doorway for real conversation.

In the final analysis, listening gives you a lot more influence than talking.

And if you don’t agree with me, talk to me about it.

I’m listening.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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