
For the last four years, I’ve been praying a very simple prayer: “Lord, open doors and close doors.”  It all started with a time of major reset in our lives.  We had transitioned from pastoral ministry to full time travelling and teaching.  So it was a good time to pray this kind of prayer.

What surprised me was how the Lord answered.  One day as soon as I finished praying, a message arrived on my phone from the Bible College in Athens: “Can you come and teach?”   We hardly had to pray further as it was the answer to the prayer I had just finished praying.  And we saw a lot of other things like that.

We also saw the other side.  God closed doors.  Some of those door-closings were painful at the time, but after a while we realized God’s wisdom.  He has to close some doors for us to move on to others he is opening.

At the outset of the pandemic, it seemed for us like every door shut.  The surprise was it resulted in an almost immediate avalanche of openings we would never have experienced otherwise.  

Let me make a few suggestions about what a reset may look like for you.

Allow God to close the doors on unproductive relationships and activities.  It’s hard to let go of things, but often we need to.  When those doors close, make sure you are as right with people as you can be.  Learn to walk in forgiveness.  Don’t let past hurts determine your future.

Make time to pray.  Prayer is the single most productive thing we can do.  Even a few minutes in prayer can change your day and your perspective.  Remember God is a lot better at opening doors than you are.  Prayer taps into his power.

Be ready for change.  The older you get, the harder this is.  But when you can’t change, you can’t move with the Spirit and you start to shrivel up.  You’re never too old to stop moving in faith.

Expect God to do a new thing in your life.  It may be something small or something big.  Just be open.  

Some of you reading this think that God is done with you.  He isn’t.  He hasn’t forgotten you, for you are engraved on the palm of his hands.

We are living in unparalleled days of change.  That change has been precipitated by God.  Don’t waste the opportunity he’s providing.



Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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For those in the UK,  you may also support us through Emmanuel Church Durham, which receives and passes on any financial gifts designated to us.  You are welcome to contact Jenny, the church treasurer, at, and she will be glad to let you know how you can support us on a once-off basis or by standing order.