
A friend called me the other day to ask for prayer.  He felt he was coming under severe demonic attack — one arrow after another was flying at him.  Not only that, his children were experiencing demonic visitations at night while he was away speaking at a conference at which a large number of young people came to Christ.

These things seem strange to us.  How can a godly leader be the subject of such attacks?  Yet we shouldn’t be surprised.  The pages of the New Testament are full of this kind of thing.

Jesus himself wound up nailed to a cross.  Most of the apostles probably ended their life in somewhat similar circumstances. 

Paul experienced great miracles.  At one time he even had an experience which took him to the third heaven, an experience so unusual no Bible commentators can figure out what actually happened to him.  Yet down he came to earth with a giant thud — and a thorn in the flesh. 

There’s a couple lessons for us in this.

First is that we have signed up for an army, and we shouldn’t be surprised when the attack comes.  In a way, it’s a good sign.  Satan won’t waste much time on people who aren’t a threat.

Second, attack often comes in the form of one thing after another.  Satan uses a multitude of little trials as much as a few big ones.

Third, it really is always darkest before the dawn.  When the kitchen sink comes hurling toward you in the air, it’s a sure sign that victory is on the horizon.  I can point to several times in my life where things were desperate, each of which eventually released a new season of blessing.

When you’re in trouble, do what my friend did — reach out.  Ask people  for all the support they can give.  And especially ask people who know how to pray.  And then, even if it’s all you can do, just hang on. 

Deliverance is around the corner.



Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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