How to leave a church the right way

This past week we talked with couples in two different countries thinking of changing churches.  

Both have been faithful, non-complaining members of their present churches for some period of time.

It would be nice if there were a simple set of instructions for when it is right to leave a church, but the truth is there isn’t.  So when we feel a change might be on the way, how do we evaluate whether we are hearing from the Lord or not?

There are objective reasons why we should always leave a church.  For instance, if the Bible is not being taught faithfully or accurately.  By that I don’t mean the preaching is no longer ticking all your personal preference boxes.  I’m referring to downright false teaching or heresy.  Or perhaps the leadership no longer accepts the Bible’s authority at all.  In such cases you hardly need to pray about leaving.  The choice is obvious, as a matter of principle.

Another reason to leave is when leadership in the church no longer follows the Biblical truths it is preaching.  Perhaps there is abuse.  People are not being treated in a Christ-like manner.  Leaders have their fingers in the till.  Or maybe there is serious sexual sin.  

Finally, there may be situations where you and the leadership part company on too many issues to make it possible to stay.  Everyone involved is a sincere follower of the Lord, but the culture of the church is out of joint with where you are at.  Maybe the church is too charismatic, or maybe it’s not charismatic enough.  Maybe it’s all focussed on small groups, or maybe it’s too focussed on the Sunday gathering.  These are matters of personal perspective.  Your perspective may not be that of leadership.  It isn’t your church, so either you stay and stop complaining, or you find another church you feel more comfortable in.

But how do you judge whether your personal preferences give you true justification to walk out of one church and into another?  These situations constitute the vast majority.  So how do we find God in it?

The most important thing is the state of your heart with God.  Is your walk with the Lord healthy?  Are you regularly in prayer?  Have you dealt with issues of unforgiveness and anger toward others in the body?  Do you desire the very best for these people regardless of whether you stay or leave?

If you can answer these questions in the affirmative, you’re in a good place to hear God.  Trust in the Lord and do good in the land, the Psalmist says, and then he will give you the desire of your heart.  But if you’re full of complaints and anger, chances are you’ll miss God.

It is never right simply to walk out.  It is always important to go to those you are complaining about and state your case with love and humility.  Do at least as much listening as you do talking.  Never burn your relational bridges with other sincere believers.  The body of Christ has enough division without you adding to it.

I suspect that there will be a fair bit of churn in the church when the Covid dust settles.  If you’re a potential part of that churn, examine your heart now to make sure you’re not just exporting your problems somewhere else.  

Don’t look for a church that tickles your fancy.  Look for a church that challenges the sin in your life and calls you up to maturity.

Regardless of what that makes you feel like.

And then stay. 




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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