Why do we lose in spiritual warfare

Any general would understand that if his army knew exactly who their enemy was, but failed to show up at the place the enemy army was gathered, they would lose the battle.

That is often what happens in spiritual warfare.  Satan is a deceiver.  He is our enemy, and both he and us know that.  So we’re fighting the right battle.  But if he can get us to show up in the wrong place, he’ll win.

Let me explain.

The first half of Ephesians shows us all that Christ has done for us.  The second half shows us how we are to live on the basis of what he has done for us.  It contains no fewer than 31 commands, none of which we can possibly hope to keep except by grace.

The letter concludes with a statement on spiritual warfare beginning with the word “finally.”  That word informs us that spiritual warfare is connected to the things he has been talking about previously.  Those things include maintaining the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (4:1-9), submitting to  fivefold ministry gifts so that we grow up into maturity in Christ (4:10-16),  turning away from moral impurity (4:17-24), discarding anger, bitterness, lying and laziness, and walking in kindness toward one another (4:25-32),   rejecting all forms of idolatry and deception (5:1-14), no longer being drunk with wine but being filled with the Spirit, living in an attitude of praise and worship toward God (5:15-21), experiencing order  in marriage (5:22-33), order in the family (6:1-4) and order in the workplace (6:5-9).  True spiritual warfare takes place on the battlefield of everyday life.  

There is nothing the enemy will oppose more ferociously than people  determined to live a godly life, because when that happens — when believers are in unity, when purity is the norm, when gossip and backbiting have ceased, when families are in order and when Christians are the best employees and employers — that is when the kingdom begins to move forward in power.   

And that is where the battle takes place.  

We have spent far too long trying to pull down demonic powers over cities and countries and far too little on crying out to God for his order to be established in our lives and churches.

It takes government to fight government.  The enemy has an army consisting of the cosmic powers over this present darkness,  But God also has an army. His army is us.  Yes, there are angelic forces to help us, but in Revelation 19 the armies of heaven are those clad in white linen, identified as “the saints.”  And the saints are us.

What does it take for God’s army to exercise government?  It takes God to be in control of his army.

Don’t get me wrong.  I believe in intercession for our communities and nations.  I believe in demonic angelic powers.  But if we are living in disorder and defeat, with broken lives, marriages and families, if we can’t set the standard for being the best employees and employers, if we don’t have peace and unity within the church, the enemy will not be threatened.  We can issue declarations of triumph all we want, but he will laugh at us, because those declarations devoid of the evidence of divine government in the midst of his people mean very little.

Let’s engage the enemy on the real battlefront.  Let’s fight for our marriages, our families, our testimony at work and in the community, and let’s fight for true purity and unity in our churches.

James put it this way: “Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”   

I think he was right.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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