What's your Legacy

Are we here to build our own inheritance or to sow into someone else’s?

I know many of us are so busy trying to keep our heads above water we never even think of things like that, but here’s some thoughts I had in the process of spending a couple of days with my wife looking after two of our grandsons.

All of us who have children understand the joy and the responsibility of sowing sacrificially into their lives.  It’s a natural thing for a parent to want your children to do better than you have done, and to be their biggest cheerleader in the process.  We know it’s wrong for a parent to invest in a child’s life simply for some future benefit we hope to get back.  None of us is perfect, of course, and parenting certainly does bring its own rewards.  But we understand what it means to sow into the life of another person, knowing we will not live to see the full harvest of that investment.

How can we translate this into our involvement in God’s kingdom?  Ask yourself some questions. Do I feel it is God’s responsibility to advance my own sense of fulfilment?  Do I believe Jesus went to the cross to make me feel successful?  Do I get involved in church to provide a platform for my own ministry or to invest in the success of others?  Am I seeking to climb some kind of recognition ladder?  Do I give to others because it makes me look good? 

I admit there were occasions I spent some of my time as a pastor trying to expand my sphere of influence as if I were attempting to build a successful business.  Even though I was (I hope) sincere in my service of the Lord, I was also looking for some recognition or success in return.  It took a severe crisis many years ago to realize where I was getting it wrong and start to adjust my thinking. 

That kind of attitude is wrong and unbiblical.  But it is also self-defeating, for in the end it never works.  Success is not about accumulating the praise of others for works you have done.  It’s not about you at all.  It’s about who you’ve raised up to do more than you’ve ever done.  Success is successors.  

In the business world, your successor is the person who takes your job on retirement or the person you sell your business to.  But in God’s economy, your successors are your spiritual sons and daughters.  The startling but sad thing is you can lead a church or ministry but have no spiritual children.  When you retire, you’re as non-existent in church as an executive is in his former office.  Life moves on without you. 

That’s not how I want to live.  But there is an uncomfortable price to be paid.  It’s the price John the Baptist was willing to pay: I must decrease while someone else must increase.  I must spend more time investing into the ministry and success of people much younger than myself than I do into my own endeavours.  I must never use people simply to increase my own success.

True fathers and mothers release their children while stepping back into a supporting role.  Our day as lead actors is over, their day has begun.  That is a process that should start to happen a long time before we hit retirement age.

And if you see most of the results of your efforts when you’re in the presence of the Lord, so much the better, for it means you really did succeed.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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