How to get through the storm

When we started off on our journey to Michigan several weeks ago, everything was fine.  It was cold, but the skies were bright blue.  About 45 minutes into our journey, some clouds appeared, then a few snowflakes and pretty soon you could hardly see where you were going.  We found ourselves behind a big truck and hung in for the duration.  A half hour or so later, the skies cleared and the sun came out.  There wasn’t even any snow on the ground at the other end of the storm. 

That’s how it goes in the Ontario snow belt.  I wasn’t too bothered, because I had checked the radar in advance and I could see what we call a “streamer” coming right off the lake.  I knew where it started and where it would end.

Life is a lot like that.  Things start off fine but then a cloud appears on our horizon and pretty soon develops into a storm, sometimes a pretty big one.  Like you, we’ve been in a few of those.  At the time, you don’t really know when it’s going to end and how you’re going to get out of it.

That’s when we need to learn to look at the radar.

The word for “tribulation” occurs 45 times in the New Testament and 99 times in the Greek translation of the Old Testament.  The basic meaning of the word is to be squeezed under pressure.  Virtually every occurrence of the word in the New Testament speaks clearly of the present experience of Christians, not a period of time just before Christ returns.  If I’ve understood it correctly, Revelation portrays the “Great Tribulation” as the period of time commencing at Christ’s death and resurrection and ending at his return.

What I mean by all this is that we should expect times of trial and difficulty in our lives.  Some of these are the result of our own stupidity, some are the result of other peoples’ stupidity and some are the result of satanic activity.  But God is unfailingly sovereign and uses it all to draw us closer to himself in deeper faith and dependency. 

Paul had read the radar when he said, “Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.”  Thankfully, tribulation isn’t all there is in the Christian life, but it is a part of it.

The good thing is this: if we know it’s coming, we also know it’s ending.  Like that streamer coming off the lake, it won’t last forever.

The faith movement has caused harm by suggesting that if we only have enough faith we can escape tribulation.  That is a counsel born not out of faith in a great God, but out of fear that God is not powerful enough to see us through the struggles we will face.

Revelation teaches Christians to stand firm in the face of suffering, for rescue is on the way.  We don’t need to fear when trouble comes.

What the radar really shows is that God is in charge of it all.  So when a streamer comes off the lake be assured that you will come through the other end of it, just like we did.  And you’ll get to your destination.

God guarantees it. 

If you doubt me, read the end of the book.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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