Good news from where Paul once walked

It is a strange feeling here at the Bible College in Athens.  When you quote 1 or 2 Corinthians, you realize Corinth is just a couple hours drive away.  Same with Thessalonica.  Athens, where Paul confronted and began to destroy the fate-based civilization that controlled the thinking of the much of the ancient world, is just down the road.

The evangelical community in Greece is so small almost everyone knows or has heard of each other.  There are perhaps ten thousand believers.  It is a sad fact that the very places where Paul brought the liberating message of the Gospel, accompanied by signs and wonders, and where he and others planted strong and vibrant churches, are today so weak in evangelical witness.

The same or worse could be said of Turkey, where all seven of the churches of Revelation were located, included Ephesus, which was from its inception a flagship church which saturated the city and region with the gospel message.

The apostle John warned the Ephesian church that its love had grown cold and its lampstand might be removed.  Eventually, that is exactly what happened, not only in Ephesus but in all the other cities apostolic churches had been planted in.

And if that can happen to them, it could equally happen to us.  The greatest problem faced by the seven churches of Revelation was compromise.  They were under continuous threat to cut corners on Biblical truth in order to make peace with the prevailing cultural and political climate of the age.

And we certainly are under those kind of pressures today.

If we give in, our churches will surely die.  To think we are immune from God’s discipline is foolish.  We need to make sure our love for Jesus never grows cold, and our love for his Word remains strong.

The good news today from both Greece and Turkey is that God is on the move.  Most of the people we have met here, including young people, are actively engaged in church planting and have great zeal and vision.  One small congregation of fifty believers has single-handedly funded and organized door to door distribution by volunteers of over one million copies of the New Testament throughout Greece in spite of opposition and harassment from the religious establishment of the state church.

Refugees from various Muslim countries are streaming in, and local Christians along with dedicated missionaries from other nations are laying down their lives to reach them for Christ and meet their practical needs.  So many Muslims are coming to Christ through dreams one missionary reported he is now in the practice of reading aloud the description of Christ in Revelation 1, to which they regularly respond excitedly by saying “That is the man I saw!”

So to be in such an environment in the end has turned out to be an encouraging experience.  Before too long, I am certain strong churches will once again be raised up where the apostles walked. 

And God will be glorified




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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