When Church goes wrong

Church is lots of things.  In one aspect it’s an army, in another sense a hospital, in yet another a school.  But above all, church is family.

Family is a wonderful thing, and none of us would ever want to lose it.  Family is the place of closest trust and relationship.  But the places of closest trust are also the places of deepest hurt.

That’s why we need to be so watchful about the health of the family of God.  Church is God’s family.  It should be the place of closest relationship, but when things go wrong people get hurt.  And badly.

Hearing a couple stories of catastrophic church leadership failures lately made us wonder how such things could ever have come to pass. And how the places God designed for healing can turn into the opposite.

Almost always the problem boils down to human ambition.  It’s the same problem Jesus had with his disciples right up until the night before he died.  While he was preparing to lay down his sinless life for them, they were preoccupied with who was going to get the best seats at the banquet.

Human ambition blinds us to the needs of others and to God’s own agenda. It’s a little difficult for God to be king when you’ve already taken that place.  Ambition leads to a trail of human wreckage in the pursuit of our own promotion. 

The best antidote is to maintain a group of people around us who will fearlessly speak the truth in love.  I’d rather have to face their criticism now than God’s refining fire later.

One of the worst mistakes is when leaders surround themselves with yes-people.  It can be a pain, but in the end having those pesky people around with enough guts to say “No” and stick to their guns is worth it.   Someone asked me recently, “Have you ever hurt people?”  And the answer must sadly be yes, if only because I am imperfect like anyone else.  Hopefully I’ve been quick to acknowledge any damage I’ve done.  Asking forgiveness, I have found, goes a long way to make things better with people.

And it’s important to keep things in perspective.  For every bad story, there are many good ones.  We only get discouraged by the bad stories because we know they’re so far from what the Lord intended.

Our disintegrating society needs the church to be the church more than ever before.  Family is supposed to be a place of trust, honesty and safety.  Let’s keep it that way.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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