How to do the impossible

We had an interesting drive home from Michigan the other night.  The weather had been terrible, but the radar predicted an improvement later in the day.  We decided to make a run for it while we could, as another storm was in the forecast.  The first 230 or so miles were fine, but the last 50 were a hard slog.  The wind was blowing, there was still a bit of snow in the air, and the ploughs just could not keep up.  But I knew we’d get home fine.  I had faith!  Enough, at least, to tide both of us over our anxiety till we got in our front door.

 God is stirring me again on the subject of faith.  Anyone can do what is possible within the realm of their natural abilities, but as Christians, every last one of us is called to do the impossible.

 Some things are possible for other people to do but not us, other things are not possible for anyone to do.  But one thing I know.  God calls me out of the realm of what I am able to do in my own strength into the realm of what only he can do in his.  And that is where miracles start to happen.

 Ever since I came to know the Lord, it seems he has been calling me to do things I could never have done without him.  In some ways, a large part of my life has been pushing beyond my own limits and casting myself in desperation on God as a result.

 That can be a very uncomfortable place to be, but it has two distinct benefits. First, it enables me to make a difference to this world as I pass through it far beyond what I could ever have done in my own ability.  Second, it forces me into a place of dependence on God, which then strips me of all pride and produces the character of Jesus in me.

 There is something distinctly supernatural about the exercise of faith.  Faith takes the things that are real in heaven, and brings them into flesh and blood reality on earth.  That is what Hebrews 11:1 means when it says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for.”  Substance (the Greek word hupostasis) means the solid foundation or reality of something.  Hebrews 1 states that Christ takes the invisible substance of the Father and brings that substance into flesh and blood reality in this world.  Faith likewise takes the substance of what now exists in the eternal realm of the kingdom of heaven, and brings it into concrete reality in this world.

 The other week, I spent some time with my little buddy Cooper.  Nine years ago, I prayed for a miracle for his parents.  Nine months after that, pretty much to the day, that miracle was born.  I’d like to live long enough to see what the Lord does with him!

 I could tell so many stories of faith. Pretty well all of them would advertise my own inadequacy just as much as his glory.

 Do you feel poorly qualified to be a hero of faith?  Good.  God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called. 

 Do you see yourself as a nobody?  Good.  God only uses people who know they’re nothing.

 We want God to move.  But we’ll never see it without faith arising in our hearts.

 What makes a person a Christian is not just that they believe different truths from others.  It’s that they are people of faith, people who believe the impossible, people ready to put what they believe to the test, people willing to get out of the boat and trust Jesus will be there to hold them when they do.

 How about you?

 Let the Holy Spirit speak to you today.

 A lot may depend on it, because there are miracles God can do only through you.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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