
I have written a year-long devotional on the Psalms. As I’ve been editing the daily segments, it occurred to me that every day is significant to God, including the date each of us was born.

And that is because our mindset is, or should be, fundamentally different from the people around us. I’ll explain what I mean. The ancient Greeks believed our lives were controlled by fate. Supernatural beings policed the lines of fate to make sure no one stepped outside of what was predetermined for them. And in practice, many people believe the same kind of things today. That’s why they say things like “touch wood,” have “lucky” pieces of clothing or other items, or are superstitious in various ways.

The mentality of the Greeks is on display every day in horoscopes. Everyone born under a certain sign of the Zodiac has all the aspects of their life predetermined. There are plenty of people around who can’t bring themselves to believe that the God who created the universe could raise his Son from the dead, but they have no trouble at all believing that their daily horoscope tells them how the inanimate stars are controlling what is going to happen to them today.

Christians do not believe in fate. We believe in destiny. Your birthday is important not because of what time of year you were born, but because God planned your birth before the foundation of the world, and has a plan for your life.

Into this picture of divine purpose enters the fact that God also called us to be co-labourers with him. In some mysterious way, how we respond to God’s plan also affects the course of our lives. Otherwise we would not be moral beings responsible for our actions.

In the balance of divine sovereignty and human free-will, I always come down on the side of God. We would have no free will unless God had created us and gifted us with it, and a God who is limited is no God at all.

Yet God has chosen us to work with him in the fulfilment of his purposes. One of the consequences of this is that nothing anyone else does to you ultimately frustrates God’s plan for your life. He works around and through everything. It is what you do that has consequences. You are the only person who can frustrate the will of God for your life.

Destiny is a wonderful truth. It elevates the importance and dignity of every human being on earth. It causes us to treat each person, from the unborn child to the senior with dementia, with love, honour and care.

Contrary to another popular mythology, I don’t believe you can have everything you dream about, and I think we are foolish to tell children they can. But we can have everything God planned for us. And because he knows what is good for us, that is the best possible option for our lives.

You have a destiny. You are important. Your actions affect eternity.

Do not believe the enemy when he tells you you are insignificant or worthless.

Rise to your call. Your destiny awaits you.

Photo by Raychan on Unsplash




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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