
Turning drudgery into victory

Turning drudgery into victory

For most of us, perseverance is not our favourite word. And that for sure has been the case this year. It has been one long drudgery with, as yet, no end in sight.

It’s one thing to be going through a difficult time personally, it’s another one entirely to be living in an entire society going through it.

It’s an introvert’s paradise, but everyone else’s nightmare.

This is the church you'd like to join

This is the church you'd like to join

I wish I had a hundred dollars from every occasion someone asked me what makes a great church. It happened again several times this week. And I always give the same answer.

Before I reveal it, let me hasten to say there are all sorts of Biblical ingredients that go into making a church what it should be. You could write a book on the subject, and many have.

But what if we could boil it down to something everyone could understand, remember and repeat — In other words, a short but accurate summary?

Here’s my contribution. There are three things a church absolutely must have if it aspires to meeting Biblical norms.

Finding freedom in a year of restriction

Finding freedom in a year of restriction

What is freedom? And what is freedom in Christ?

I spent six years (in the midst of church planting) trying to explain the latter thought in my PhD dissertation at Durham University.

The subject has resurfaced lately with the renewed emphasis on the historical wrongs of slavery. And if you understand slavery, you understand freedom.

The gold at the end of the valley

The gold at the end of the valley

When faced with a difficult situation, we all want that elusive magic answer. How much easier it is to press a button and see the solution instantly appear. Yet how rarely the Lord allows us to walk that way.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death God is with me. That was David’s comment on more than one life crisis he experienced. Paul took a similar view when he said God is with us in the midst of tribulation.

How to leave a church the right way

How to leave a church the right way

This past week we talked with couples in two different countries thinking of changing churches.

Both have been faithful, non-complaining members of their present churches for some period of time.

It would be nice if there were a simple set of instructions for when it is right to leave a church, but the truth is there isn’t. So when we feel a change might be on the way, how do we evaluate whether we are hearing from the Lord or not?