The price of fear

For the past year governments around the world have been trying to control a public health emergency by curtailing liberties most of us would never have thought we would have to give up.  

In an authoritarian state like China, the government simply imposes what measures it wants and people have to submit.  In democratic nations, it’s a little harder than that.  You have to persuade people to go along.

For better or for worse, and maybe there was no other option, many governments resorted to the use of fear.  Fear is a powerful weapon.  You throw enough dire news at people that they become terrified of the consequences of carrying on life as normal.  They give up their freedoms in return for not getting sick.

And the media are willing helpers, for nothing sells content more than news of impending disaster.  Giant headlines, dark graphics, pictures of hospital wards (some of which were later found to be fake) all draw peoples’ attention.

There is no doubt that such times as we have passed through have called for drastic measures in order to avoid enormous cost.  But fear is a dangerous and double-edged sword.  Once you have spent a year motivating people through fear, you can’t just turn the off-switch and make everything go back to normal.

A reputable Canadian polling firm has been conducting mental health surveys throughout the pandemic.  Their polling has consistently shown that twice as many Canadians as Americans describe their mental health as poor.  The reason is not hard to find.  American authorities, for better or worse, have been far less restrictive than Canadians, and have resorted less to the use of fear.  The consequence was more people got sick and died in the United States, but the country moved on.  Lives were spared in Canada, but we are  left with what could be a long-term mental health epidemic.  In some parts of the country, the rise in opioid deaths has partly cancelled out the saving of lives on the COVID front.

And people can’t just move on.  The mildest relaxing of restrictions throws some folk into a panic.

We need to be served the facts, but please hold the sauce of fear.  When the goals of the restrictions have been met, we need to return to normal.

The Bible is said to contain the phrase “Do not fear” 365 times, one for every day of the year.  It tells us that God's perfect love casts out fear.

Let’s be sensitive in this season to the fearful among us.  Whatever else this season brings, it presents us with a great opportunity to share our confidence with those who have no faith but much fear.  There’s reason to be cautious, but not to fear.  Jesus is still on the throne.

And as the Queen wisely told us at the outset, at the end of all this we will meet again.

The sooner the better.



Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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