Eyewitness account

Like many young men in his twenties, Papias was a man in a hurry.  But his reason was unique.

It was around the year 80.  Papias lived in the city of Hierapolis, which was strategically located in the middle of a road system that linked the major cities of Asia Minor with each other, and ultimately linked Jerusalem with Rome.  Christian teachers would regularly visit the church there.

Papias knew that the earliest generation of disciples — those who had personally known Jesus and heard him preach — were quickly dying out.  At least two he knew personally, including possibly John the apostle.  Papias decided to record as many eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ ministry as he could.  He wrote them in a book which unfortunately has been lost, other than places where it is quoted by others.

But by the grace of God, around the same time Papias was at work, several others who were actual eyewitnesses of Jesus’ ministry recorded their own accounts, which we still have.  

There is nothing like the value of eyewitness testimony.  It’s the gold standard as far as evidence is concerned in a court of law.

None of us today has eyewitness testimony of Jesus in the way that the first disciples did.  But we still have eyewitness testimony in a different sense.  We are people who have met Jesus through his Spirit, and he has changed our lives.

Maybe we’ve forgotten what the phrase to “give your testimony” means.  It’s drawn from the language of the law courts.  To give our testimony to Jesus is to give our eyewitness account of what he has done for us.

You may not be the most eloquent person.  You may not be a public speaker.  You may not have had multiple miraculous experiences.  But you have something even more powerful.  You have eyewitness testimony.

Never underestimate the power of sharing what the Lord has done personally for you.  It’s fine to talk about a miracle that happened to someone else, but it’s the account of your own experience that will make a difference with your work colleague, your college roommate or your next-door neighbour.

People may filter what you say any number of ways, but it will still make a difference.  A young man I shared a house with at university lived a completely godless life.  I shared my story with him, but despaired of it having any impact.  Shortly before we graduated, he came to me privately and told me after watching me for three years, he wanted what I had.   His problem was, as he put it, he didn’t want to pay the price.  One thing I know, though — he will still remember my testimony today.

Peter told his readers he didn’t make up stories about Jesus.  He was right there when it happened.  That’s part of the power of the New Testament.  It wasn’t made up a hundred years later, as liberal theology once alleged.  It was hot off the press, as better scholarship today has verified.  Was it true?  The eyewitnesses were ready to back up their testimony with their lives, and many of them did. 

Are you ready to take a much smaller risk than they did?  Share your story of what Jesus has done for you.  Even if your friends don’t accept it, they’ll  never forget it.  You may be the only eyewitness they ever need.



Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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