The proof of the resurrection

Not even the disciples understood what Jesus was saying when he talked about dying and rising on the third day. That’s why Calvary was such a bitter end to all their hopes.

So what happened to change all that?  The first thing was the empty tomb.  Jesus was laid to rest by a prominent citizen of Jerusalem in his own personal tomb with the knowledge and approval of Pontius Pilate.  That was an indisputable public fact.  Two days later, the tomb was empty.  That too was a fact known to many, for the Jewish authorities had to pay the Roman soldiers to give a false explanation for what had happened.  Anyone in Jerusalem could have inspected the evidence, and many probably did.  The tomb was empty.  But why?  Perhaps the disciples had removed the body?  Though why, as pious Jews, would they commit such a sacreligious act when they didn’t themselves believe Jesus would be raised?  And another problem arises: the entire Jewish hierarchy and the Roman occupying forces would have devoted all their energies to locating the body, but they could not find it. 

Still, the empty tomb does not by itself prove that the resurrection took place.  But there was something else.  The risen Jesus was appearing to all sorts of people in a variety of places.  The disciples were as astonished as anyone.  One of them, on hearing the testimony of his brothers, refused to believe it. Perhaps these people were having hallucinations or spiritual visions?   But how could so many diverse people be having visions of the same man?  And touching him, seeing him eating and drinking, and having conversations with him?

And these occurrences involved many people.  Paul says that Christ appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve, and after that to 500 people, most of whom, he adds, are still alive if you want to ask them.  He appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and finally, several years later, to Paul himself.  Mark tells us Jesus appeared first to two women.  Women were not even qualified under Jewish law to be witnesses, so why (when Jewish men would have automatically rejected such testimony) would he include this account unless it was simply what happened?  Then there were the unbelieving disciples on the road to Emmaus who didn’t at first recognize Jesus even when he was talking to them.

These previously sceptical people were willing to die on the basis of one simple fact: this Jesus, who was dead, is now alive.  The tomb was empty and, despite having all the resources available to them, and all the motivation in the world behind them, no one, Jew or Roman, could find the body.  No one could explain how a sealed tomb guarded by soldiers could have been broken into.  And no one could explain how hundreds of people of all walks of life and personality types and on numerous occasions in different places could have claimed to have met Jesus fully alive.  And no one could find a reason for why all these people were so dramatically transformed from death to life, and from despair to a certainty of faith which enabled them not only to testify publicly at the risk of their lives but to do signs and wonders and miracles throughout Jerusalem, signs which even the Sanhedrin could not deny.

In greater numbers than ever, men and women today are still living and dying for their conviction that this Jesus was dead and is now alive.  The resurrection of Jesus Christ was not only real.  It was, and is, the most significant event ever recorded in all of human history.  It brought the kingdom of God to earth.  It initiated a chain of events which is still in progress as this kingdom spreads to every nation. 

Welcome to the world of the resurrection!  Happy Easter!  




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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