Where God shows up

“Blessed is the one who remains steadfast under trial.”  I don’t know about you, but James is one of those letters that never stops making me feel uncomfortable.

Trial is a very strong word, often translated tribulation.  In the Bible it almost always refers to the troubles of this present age, not to a mysterious (and in my opinion imaginary) future event.  In the midst of trial, James further tells us, we are to “count it all joy.”  Somehow we are supposed to find peace in the midst of trouble.  I don’t like it, but the truth is that’s usually where we grow.  Why?  Because that’s where we find God and dig ourselves deeper into him.  The grace of God comes to us as we call upon him in our distress.

Grace is a power, not a theological concept.  It is the energy of God, released by the resurrection, that finds you, digs you out of your hole, and changes you.

There is a big difference between being happy and being blessed.  Most people spend a fair chunk of their lives seeking happiness.  Happiness is rarely found by those who make it their foremost goal.  Why?  Because, for one thing, happiness depends on positive external circumstances.  While there are always good things happening in our lives, they tend to get easily overwhelmed by the negatives.  And there are always negatives.  The day can start wonderfully, then be ruined by one negative word, email, text or phone call.  After that, no matter what good happens, we’re living in the shadow of that negative.

The experience of suffering starts with that one piece of bad news, that one nasty phone call, that one insensitive comment, that one inconsiderate action.  But there is an alternative.  Instead of pursuing a happiness that is focussed on personal contentment or pleasure, we can seek the joy that comes from finding the Lord.  Happiness may depend on everything around us working out well, but  joy depends only on the presence of the Lord. 

God is not committed to our happiness, but he does promise to give us joy.  The reason we are blessed even in trial is because we’ve found joy 

In the midst of life-threatening trouble, Paul made this statement: “In all our tribulation, I am overflowing with joy.”  God meets us in the trial.  Much as I wish he would meet me some other place, and sometimes he does, that’s so often where he shows up 

Life is often tough.  Anyone who goes around declaring that “life is good” is in for a disappointment just down the road. 

But God is good, and he is good always.  He has the infinite capacity to bring good out of the worst things life can throw at us.

If you’re having a good day, then enjoy it.  But if you’re in trouble, know that God is there to bring light into your darkness.

He always shows up.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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