Year-end Update

The Christmas letter I wrote for many years has gradually morphed into this end of year update.  It’s a little less personal, but enables me to give a brief description of what we’ve been doing to so many of you who have prayed for us, supported us and in general taken an interest in our lives.

The first three months of the year we spent in Michigan serving Firm Foundation Ministries and some of the other churches in its relational network, where we have developed so many great friendships over the last fifteen years.  We had no sooner finished our annual mens’ conference in March than the pandemic took hold, and we had to return early to Canada to avoid the previously unthinkable closing of the world’s longest undefended border.  Sadly that border is at this point still closed.

We had been looking at a pretty rigorous travel itinerary which in the end all got cancelled —  three trips to the UK, one to Greece and (for me) one to India. What was amazing was the rapidity with which, as those avenues closed, other doors opened.  In the early weeks, I wound up recording messages for all the churches we were going to visit in the UK.  At the same time, I wrote a new book on ten things we get wrong about the Bible (No Diving), and revised Mystery Explained (my shorter book on Revelation).  At the time, I had no way of having the books produced and no budget to pay for it.  Almost immediately, through the generosity of two friends, the money was supplied and my friend Josh Best, who had published my Landmarks book, agreed to produce both books through his advertising agency David&Brook.  All that was lots of work, but the books hit Amazon in November.

At the end of 2019, I had committed to involvement in a brand new online teaching platform called TheosUniversity started by two brothers, Nathan and Gabriel Finochio, whom we had known since they were kids.  I guess it was the right time for them to start something like that, as it took off in an extraordinary manner.  Our not being on the road meant I had time to produce and film a number of courses, which then increased when the platform expanded to include TheoSeminary, which offers an accredited Bachelor’s degree.

In the early months of the pandemic, I did quite a number of Instagram Live conversations with Nathan on the subject on eschatology and the book of Revelation.  It was interesting to note all sorts of on-line comments ranging from “this is life-changing” to “don’t listen to this guy, he is a false teacher.”  I have always said true Biblical teaching provokes listeners either to repentance or to rejection!  My association with TheosUniversity has opened up quite a number of relationships with younger pastors and leaders around the world, some of whom we hope to meet face to face in the future.

I’ve occupied a fair amount of time studying Genesis in light of both ancient mythologies and Darwinian evolutionary theories and come up with some interesting conclusions.  I’ve also taken a deep dive into the history of philosophy in order to try to understand what is called Critical Theory.  In both cases, I have come up with the conclusion that what Proverbs says is true: there is nothing new under the sun.  I hope to be able to share some of this material in the post-pandemic world that hopefully awaits us.  Finally, I had the privilege of lecturing online at the Greek Bible College in Athens in November.  And we’ve been able to give into our local church here in Stratford as well as a half dozen other churches in Ontario.

This has been a year, for us as for you, of God’s faithfulness in the midst of considerable testing.  In one fell pandemic swoop, Elaine and I lost the precious opportunity to work and minister together we had so enjoyed the last several years.  I filled my time with what I’ve described above but Elaine was left hanging, so to speak. That is, until our daughter Sarah, who was living with us and getting ready to be married, came down with thyroid cancer.  That set off an epic journey most of you are already familiar with.  All I can say is the art of being a mother after God’s heart is far more demanding than anything I did this year.  And likely more fruitful in God’s sight.  Having said that, we long to be on the road again to serve God’s people together.

As I write this, although hope is on the horizon, none of us knows for sure what the months ahead hold.  God is challenging an unbelieving world which had put its trust in science and medicine, and he is shaking a complacent church which had become far too comfortable in that unbelieving world.  He isn’t finished until he’s finished.  In the meantime, our job is to be faithful.

All God’s blessings to you for  — dare I say it — a better year ahead!

David and Elaine




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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For those in the UK,  you may also support us through Emmanuel Church Durham, which receives and passes on any financial gifts designated to us.  You are welcome to contact Jenny, the church treasurer, at, and she will be glad to let you know how you can support us on a once-off basis or by standing order.