Bringers of life

There’s a little girl called Selah in the church we attend who just brings life.  She scurries around, gives people big smiles and always has the pastor’s three-year old son running after her (perhaps a sign of things to come).  She was sick this week and it just wasn’t quite the same.

But it got me thinking.  What is it that we add to the mix?  What is missing when we’re not there?

Not all of us are big personalities.  Not all of us are extroverts.  Very few are platform people.  But all of us have something to bring.  At least that is my reading of Paul’s statement about how every part of the body is essential if the body is to function properly.

The bottom line is that all of us have life to offer.  The amount of life in a church gathering is not all about how eloquent the preacher is, how anointed the worship team are, how impressively the welcome team or ushers have everything under control, or how magnificent the building is.

The amount of life is, however, directly proportional to the measure of life each person brings into the whole.  That life operates according to how God made you.  I’ve been more touched in some services by a quiet person coming up and asking how my family is doing than by anything else that happened.  Or someone offering to pray for needs in my life.  Or someone expressing appreciation for something they’ve experienced through me.

Life comes in our church through genuinely friendly voices that greet you as you enter the building.  It comes, in non-COVID times, from the folk who get up at crack of dawn one Sunday a month to put a church breakfast on.  It comes from a small crowd (in our church) of young men giving sacrificially of their time to produce a professionally-produced livestream so that seniors and others who aren’t comfortable in these times coming in person can experience a high quality livestream service.  It comes from people who spend lots of time in the prayer room before and during service asking God to bless those who come.  It comes from people who clean and maintain the building.

And yes it comes from worship leaders, musicians and even from preachers like me.

My point is this.  God created each of us to be a giver of life.  Each of us contains the life of God by the presence of his Spirit within us.  God gives this life in order that it be shared. 

Some instruments in the orchestra are more prominent than others.  But there’s no orchestra without all the instruments present.

Selah is a musical notation used in the Psalms.  One possible meaning is “stop and listen.”  Maybe you need to have a Selah moment, a moment where you stop and listen to how God wants to use you to bring life to the family.  If he can use a three year old, he can use any of us.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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