When ministry meets money

It is a clear Biblical truth that those who preach the Gospel should be properly compensated for doing so, and particularly if the demands on their time exclude the possibility of pursuing other lines of work.  There are millions of pastors in the world today, and exceedingly few of them have an abundance of worldly riches.

But what happens when money and ministry meet?  Money in itself is a neutral commodity, but like anything else it lends itself to misuse by fallen human nature.  And preachers have that nature, just like anyone else.  We can say all we want about being saints and not sinners, but the fact is none of us is going to attain sinless perfection in this life.

Here’s the problem: the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.  That’s in the Bible, so you can count on it being true.  And Christian leaders can fall into that trap.  When they do, it is particularly damaging, because they set a standard for the rest of the flock.

Prosperity teaching has become a cover to justify the possession of large amounts of wealth.  Prominent prosperity preachers, virtually without exception, are extremely wealthy people.  What better way of justifying my wealth than by declaring it to be a sign of God’s blessing?

Their ministries have become a form of multi-level marketing.  You buy into my message at the bottom end of the pyramid and I’ll send you financial blessing through my prayers for you or merely through the fact you’ve given.  One preacher originated the concept of seed faith.  It was a brilliant marketing tactic.  Sow financially into my ministry and God will multiply your seed.  In other words, giving is primarily a means for making money.  If you think I’m being harsh, do your research and you’ll find out for yourself.

And what is worse, these men and women take their false gospel to the third world, where financial blessing is a matter of survival, not of having an expensive car in the driveway.  

Like all multi-level marketing schemes, the only people who get rich are those at the top.  God does not multiply the seed given, because to do so would be a violation of his integrity and holiness.  

And then people become disillusioned and embittered, and begin to drop out.  It’s one thing to drop out of a multi-level marketing scheme.  That might even do you good.  It’s another thing to drop out of church and the pursuit of God.

The prosperity message is not the only problem we face.  In itself, it is only an outgrowth of the wider faith message.  The faith message was originally developed to promote healing ministry.  And that also has resulted in widespread disillusionment.  If you are taught that the words you speak have the power of life and death, and then it turns out in spite of all your positive confession you are still sick, you might begin to think that it’s not worth pursuing faith at all.

And that brings me to my final thought.  The word “heresy” is derived from the Greek word for “part.”  Every heresy contains some truth — that’s precisely its power.  It looks right to those who are untaught.  And when we get disillusioned, we throw the baby out with the bathwater.  

God is a rich provider and God is a wonderful healer.  But we have to come to God with his agenda in mind, not ours.  

Don’t listen to rich preachers who peddle the Gospel for profit.  




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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