
What reading Jesus' genealogy will do for you

What reading Jesus' genealogy will do for you

It’s unlikely that you would find the entire genealogy of Jesus, as recorded in the third chapter of Luke’s Gospel, adorning a plaque or fridge magnet.  Apart from its being far too long, it doesn’t have quite the inspirational zing of “Be still and know that I am God” or “The plans I have for you are for good and not for evil.”  But it does have its own powerful meaning.

Jesus and the Spirit

Jesus and the Spirit

I have discovered how to create a theological firestorm in an instant.

Put up a couple Instagram posts on the relationship between Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and see what happens.

To my relief, the discussion was a civilized one.  I was struck by how many people are prepared to dive into a deep theological pool.  Some were responding to wrong views they feel are being taught on the subject.  Several comments indicated there are people who, whether they realize it or not, do not actually believe in the Trinity.

One Day that bowl will tip

One Day that bowl will tip

Christmas 2019

None of us would ever think of God as a one-armed bandit.  Yet that’s often how we approach him in prayer.  We keep putting our coin in the machine in the hope that at some point the lemons will line up and the jackpot will pour out into our waiting hands.

Christmas Letter

Christmas Letter

Christmas 2019

It has now been two and a half years since we transitioned from a lifetime of local church planting and leadership into an itinerant role serving churches and seminaries internationally.  When we started out on this journey, it felt like (and was) another great venture of faith.  We didn’t have a lot to start with except the Lord, but that’s nothing new!  Looking back, it is amazing to see how the Lord has met us.  We are grateful to any of you who have prayed for us.  Please don’t stop.

What is Worship

What is Worship

These days we are investing a lot into worship.  And literally so when you consider the cost of sound, lighting, special effects and everything else that seems to be necessary to pull off a worship time that will keep the crowds coming.  Chances are we’re putting as much or more, proportionately speaking, as in past times churches use to spend on things like pipe organs, sheet music and choir gowns.