
Living in the shadows

Living in the shadows

A long time ago, the wisest man in the world at the time told a story of people living in a cave. The light shone from behind them and cast shadows on the wall of the cave. The people mistook the shadows for the reality. Because they were in chains, they were unable to look behind them and see the true light for what it was.

Prescription for revival

Prescription for revival

The passage at the end of Acts 2 says a lot of what we need to know about how God designed church. Luke tells us there were four things happening: teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers.

Then he adds to this that they were in the habit of being together and sharing their possessions as any had need, eating and breaking bread together in their homes.

Turning 2020 into gold

Turning 2020 into gold

This year we have all learned a lot about waiting. But the real question is this: what have we learned while waiting?

The journey is as important as the goal. Our whole culture is built around the idea of achieving the most desirable goals in the shortest possible period of time and with the least possible effort.

Tipping the Bowl

Tipping the Bowl

Guest blog by Katie Overbeek

Like many of you, I have fumbled, sobbed and stomped my way through 2020 as best as I can.

In the midst of the pandemic storm, our family has encountered some significant challenges and trials this year. We’ve seen some victories, but there’s been a lot of heavy lifting and we’re tired.

What a basket of tomatoes means for God's plan for your life

What a basket of tomatoes means for God's plan for your life

I was sitting looking at a container full of tomatoes when a thought struck me.

Expecting an early frost, Elaine had picked all the tomatoes she could find on our plants and put them in the container. At first, all of them were green. After a few days, there was a twinge of red in a few of them. Now some are red, some are heading that way and lots are still pretty green.

I know that may not represent the basis for an earth-shaking revelation, but this is the thought I had.