Katie Overbeek: EP project


God has given Elaine and I eight wonderful children. All of them are gifted in different ways. We have sought, as best we can, to support each of them in their own journey to develop the character and gifts God has given them. Katie is our oldest daughter. She is married to Josh, and is the mother of our wonderful grandson Joseph. When she was 9 years old, she was prayed for by our friend Marc Dupont, whom many of you may know from his prophetic ministry in Toronto and around the world. Marc said she would be a Psalmist to the nations. Many years later, it was our privilege to give Marc a copy of the first CD she recorded, which was very kindly produced at cost by her friends David Kuwabara and Nathan Finochio, both skilled professionals based in New York City. They are now planning to work with Katie on producing a second project, which will be done to the highest standards. Katie has always had a gift to produce powerful and Biblical lyrics to accompany great music. I think that is so important when so much of what we sing today can be superficial. I am sure God’s desire is to use her music truly to glorify him. As parents, we continue to watch and pray as God develops his purposes in Katie, Josh and Joseph. At the age of 2, Joseph is already singing along with his mom. Our desire is for the knowledge of God to be passed down from generation to generation. Our part in this process now for the most part is to pray and encourage them as best we can. As long as we live, we will never stop being parents, whether to our own children, or to others in the body of Christ.

Our hope is that many others will be touched by Katie’s music. These are not days in which we need more Christian ditties.  These are days in which we need more musicians like Isaac Watts and Charles Wesley.

Here is a link to the project. Thanks for your prayers and support.


Katie Overbeek: EP project