The blessing

The book of Psalms opens with a daring statement: “Blessed is the one who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers.”  The reason it is daring is because the following words declare who will be blessed and who will not.  It is a declaration of God’s right to determine right and wrong, and to judge on that basis.  That is a massive offence to the culture in which we live.  Taking the fruit in the garden was our attempt to be like God, to know both good and evil.  It was our attempt to establish ourselves, instead of God, as the judge of what is right and what is wrong.  And ever since then, we’ve been fighting God.  It’s a losing battle, for God has never given up his right of asserting what is good and what is evil.  And in one sense, he really doesn’t care what we think. 

In earliest days, Christianity was called “the Way.”  It is the way back to God.  It is the way back to a true understanding of right and wrong.  And when we understand that, our lives get set on a right track, the track of blessing.  To be blessed is to know the favour of God.  It is to have God on our side.  It is to see his hand at work in our lives.  

The gateway to blessing, according to this verse, comes down to three words: walk, stand and sit.  “Walk” refers to our way of life.  “Stand” refers to our convictions about life.  “Sit” refers to those we walk and stand with.  Each word is connected with the next.  Our walk is determined by our convictions — our stand.  And when we take our stand and start living a certain way, we will wind up sitting either with God’s people or with the lost.  And once you’re sitting with the lost, you’re in very big trouble. 

What are the convictions likely to determine how you live today?  Are you ruled by what works for you, or by what is true?  Are your convictions rooted in what God says, or in your own opinions?  Who or what influences your life the most?  Are you prepared to obey God no matter what it may cost?

It is not easy to follow the Way and walk in obedience, but it’s the only way to know God’s favour and blessing.

God’s blessing is not stuff he gives or things he does for us.  God’s blessing is his very presence.

We live in days where most of us want nothing more than the presence of others we love from whom this pandemic has separated us.

But even greater than this is the presence of God himself.  It’s worth living for and it’s worth dying for, because in the end nothing can separate you from it.  Except your own foolishness.

The blessing is there if you really want it.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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