Winning the battle

Anyone who has engaged in spiritual warfare knows the familiar routine: the day begins innocently enough, then it all starts to happen.  One thing after another goes wrong, all apparently unrelated.  A unexpected bill comes in, a child gets hurt, an unpleasant phone call takes place, a family argument erupts.  Or things can be even more serious.  A family member is injured, a marriage is threatened, a church begins to split, a job is lost.  And so we begin to ask the question, “Is it worth it?”  

Suffering for doing what we feel has been the right thing and being attacked for it has the potential of destroying our faith.  When the hurt comes from those we trusted, the pain can become unbearable.  We are tempted to quit the battle.  Yet this was a battle Paul fought and won.  How did he do it?  The short answer is this: he fought it by walking in the way of the cross.  He did not bluster or threaten.  In fact, he came by way of appeal: “I, Paul, myself entreat you, by the meekness and gentleness of Christ.”  He did not allow either the wrong conduct of his opponents or his own anger and hurt at being wronged by them to affect the way he conducted the battle.  He acted not to exact revenge, but with their best interests at heart.  He responded in love. 

Christians do not operate by force and power.  They operate according to the personality of Christ, his meekness and gentleness.  “Meekness” is not weakness or fearfulness.  It refers to refers to a strength that could retaliate and overcome, but chooses not to: “Do you not think that I cannot appeal to my Father and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matthew 26:53).

The possibility of suffering for Christ raises a basic issue: how do we view the Christian life?  What does it really mean to follow Christ?  We would all admit that we live in a very pleasure-oriented, self-seeking society.  This attitude can overflow into our understanding of Christianity.   Do we teach people becoming Christians that following Jesus means to be rescued from all worldly troubles?  Or that Christianity is a gateway to material prosperity?  That their dreams can all now be happily fulfilled?  Or that we now have a ironclad guarantee of protection against any harm?   If so, we will have no framework for understanding the cost of spiritual warfare when that bill comes due.

If we present the Christian life in terms of benefits and protection, the result — paradoxically — will be fear.  Why?  Because when trouble comes, we will have no frame of reference to understand or cope with it.  Why is this happening when we thought God would protect us?  That is why ultimately a movement that preaches faith and prosperity will produce disillusionment and disappointment. 

But if we present the Christian life in terms of a battle which we fight in spite of or even because of the suffering we endure, the result will be peace.  Why?  Because we have an eternal perspective.  We know that the earthly cost is far outweighed by eternal benefit.  And we know that even in this world, our sacrifice has released the power of God to further a kingdom that advances only and ever through the way of the cross.  




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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