Opinions or Convictions

I can tell you beyond the shadow of a doubt what causes almost every church split.

In a word — the tongue.

Yes I know there are situations where other factors are involved.  But James had it right when he warned us that the tongue stains the whole body, sets on fire the entire course of life, and is itself set on fire by hell.

James, those are strong words!  And if they weren’t right there in the Bible, most of us would say they were a bit overstated.

The problem we face today is much worse than ever before, because social media has given free access to anyone who wants to shoot their mouth off in public.

Part of the problem is that we have completely lost track of the difference between an opinion and a conviction.   A conviction is something I believe to be a clear expression of Biblical truth, such that anyone who believes in the Bible would understand what I am saying.  I will hold to it regardless of what it costs me.

A conviction is God’s idea of reality.  An opinion is my idea of reality.  The difference is only one of those is backed up by clear Biblical truth.

So what can we do?  The first practical step is to create a verbal filter.  Think before you speak.  Is what you’re about to say merely your opinion, or do you truly believe it is God’s opinion?  And can you back that up?  If not, better to remain silent.

Second, think about this.  Is what you’re going to say really edifying or upbuilding to the other person?  That’s the test Scripture applies to the words that come out of our mouth.  If you are speaking out of Biblical conviction, the words will most likely be helpful, even if they are challenging.  If not, what you say may well be destructive and unhelpful.

Third, remember that speaking brings accountability.  Are you ready to be open to response or correction?  How many of you have observed a conversation where, even while one party is speaking, the other party is devoting all their attention to producing a rebuttal rather than listening?  Don’t be that person.

Finally, I think we need to adopt a rule of thumb that on the whole, fewer words are better than many words.  If you disagree with me, you can find that stated in Scripture also.

If we are prepared to walk with one another in love and humility, and to listen just as much as to talk, and if we guard what we say in the ways I’ve suggested, we can tolerate differences of opinion on all sorts of things.  

Political differences exist — we live in a democracy after all — but political opinions should never divide a church.  Neither should opinions on vaccination or pandemic lockdowns, to pick a couple topics from recent history.  All these are contentious out there in the world, but it is a scandal and a disgrace when they divide the body for which Christ died.  Yes, we can talk about them, but only when edifying to the other person, and being mindful of the fact they are our opinions, nothing more and nothing less.

And just remember this: God’s word counts a lot more than yours or mine does.  Never forget it.