Jumping off a cliff (update)

I can’t believe it’s been two years since I wrote a blog titled “Jumping off a cliff.” In it, I talked about our decision to step out of leadership of the church we had planted many years before in obedience to God’s call to serve him on a wider basis.

No salary, no pension, still kids to support. All those thoughts went through my mind, believe me. But the same God who began to supply my needs as a penniless student and carried me (then us) through so many challenges since has - guess what - showed himself faithful. When we look back on God’s track record of faithfulness, why do we ever doubt? Probably for the same reason the disciples doubted Jesus’ ability to feed the people with seven loaves when just a few days before he had fed an even bigger crowd with only five. In truth, we are all doubting Thomases, to one degree or another.

We have spent the last eighteen months in various places in Canada, the USA and the UK. In a decision of faith in response to God’s clear direction, we moved a couple hours south to Stratford, Ontario, where we found a house in the first few minutes of looking, bought it unconditionally on the spot and then had to wait on an eleventh-hour divine intervention to sell our house in Owen Sound. The Lord loves to keep us reliant on him.

What are we doing? In truth, a wide variety of things. Preaching, seminars, counselling, writing, a lot of working with church leaderships, and keeping in touch as spiritual parents with people around the world on a pretty well daily basis. I have a book on suffering being considered by a publisher in the UK, and a devotional on the Psalms two-thirds written. In Isaiah’s language, our stakes have been strengthened, our cords have been lengthened and our tent has been stretched out.

We have a lot less income, but a stable bank account. That to me is amazing. But it does help to have paid off all our financial obligations. Churches and individuals have partnered with us to support us in various ways, though we are not on formal salary anywhere. We are extremely grateful for the support we have received.

I have always leaned to George Muller’s approach to fundraising, which is to get on one’s knees and pray. But what I am asking you to consider is this. We have money to live on, but we don’t have money to go to some of the places where we could be of the greatest use. For instance, I have an invitation that has been outstanding for several years to train a large group of pastors in northern India, in association with a group of churches who are doing an unbelievable and sacrificial work of church planting and evangelism. I have an invitation to a very poor European country to give teaching in the only Bible-believing training college in the nation. There are churches in western countries serving on the front lines in poor areas and doing an amazing job, but with no financial resources to bring in people like us who could really help them. As I write this, I am thinking of one such invitation in particular Elaine and I have at the moment we would love to honour. We need people or churches who would support us with no expectation of anything back for themselves, other than the satisfaction of having made a genuine investment in the kingdom.

If you feel you can help us, either once off or even a small amount on a monthly basis, you can do it simply through the donate button on the weekly blog page (we had some brief technical issues with this, which are now resolved). This will generate a tax receipt issued by Awakening Ministries, a registered Canadian charity led by a close friend of mine, Pastor Robert MacIntosh, who is on staff at one of the largest churches in Toronto. For those in the UK, Emmanuel Church Durham takes in any financial gifts designated to us, and handles them in proper accordance with UK charitable laws. You are welcome to contact Jenny, the church treasurer, at finance@emmanuel.org.uk, and she will be glad to let you know the online banking details.

And above all, please pray for us, that all he has called us to do at this season of our lives will bear a rich harvest. In one sense, we have far more to give now than we ever have before. We just need your help to do it all.




Foundation of Faith Project  is strengthening generations in faith and bringing beautiful changes to the communities around them. Through teaching, mentoring and coaching, many are finding out who they are and who they are destined to be.  They are bringing more to their world. David Campbell is the key leader in this initiative and you can support him financially directly through Awakening Ministries.

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3. On the next page, in the "Add a note" field, please mark the donation for "Foundation of Faith" 

Header Photo by Mihai Fischer on Unsplash